Aaron Ardaiz recommends to new pipe welders and other professionals working in the welding or metal working industry to earn as many certifications as possible. While job placement is always a top priority at almost any vocational school or community college that offers classes on welding, you can get a leg up on the competition for jobs when you’re out of school by earning certifications in welding. This is especially true for pipe welding, says Ardaiz, who has worked as a certified pipe welder for many years.

Aaron Ardaiz got a job with National Welding Corporation after he earned his three pipe welding certifications: 3G, 4G, and 6G. The number-letter codes correspond to different kinds of welds of pipes in different positions. 3G is a groove welding certification concerning pipes in a vertical position, 4G an overhead position, and 6G a 45-degree angle position. Aaron Ardaiz is also certified for fillet welding through groove welding certifications. Since most pipe welding jobs are groove welds, this certification covers fillet welds as well. Ardaiz was able to land an excellent job with National Welding Corporation, where he worked for six years. He traveled throughout the United States working on many different job sites where his proven, certified skills were greatly needed. When he wanted to settle down in the Phoenix area, he was able to get a job at a local metal work company All Things Metal with his certifications and experience.
Aaron Ardaiz loves his job at All Things Metal. He likely wouldn’t have been able to land a position there if he didn’t earn his pipe welding certifications.

Aaron Ardaiz got a job with National Welding Corporation after he earned his three pipe welding certifications: 3G, 4G, and 6G. The number-letter codes correspond to different kinds of welds of pipes in different positions. 3G is a groove welding certification concerning pipes in a vertical position, 4G an overhead position, and 6G a 45-degree angle position. Aaron Ardaiz is also certified for fillet welding through groove welding certifications. Since most pipe welding jobs are groove welds, this certification covers fillet welds as well. Ardaiz was able to land an excellent job with National Welding Corporation, where he worked for six years. He traveled throughout the United States working on many different job sites where his proven, certified skills were greatly needed. When he wanted to settle down in the Phoenix area, he was able to get a job at a local metal work company All Things Metal with his certifications and experience.
Aaron Ardaiz loves his job at All Things Metal. He likely wouldn’t have been able to land a position there if he didn’t earn his pipe welding certifications.